Kids Play Equipment

Playground Equipment FAQs

Below, Green Roots Play Equipment answers some of the most common playground equipment FAQs we get asked.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we order custom playground equipment?

Answer - Green Roots takes pride in offering custom playground equipment. We're happy to create a customized playground to fit your needs and can even incorporate personalized details such as logos into your designs (both in the equipment and rubber pour-in-place surfacing).

What makes commercial playground equipment safe?

Answer - All of the playground equipment that we distribute is CSA certified so you can be confident that any equipment you purchase from Green Roots meets all Canadian Safety Standards.

What should I look for when purchasing commercial playground equipment?

Answer - When purchasing playground equipment be sure that it is CSA approved, safe, durable, and made from high quality sustainable materials. If the product is Canadian made that's even better! The best playground equipment designs consider the different requirements clients may have including:

  • Target Age Group
  • Size of Area
  • Budget
  • Theme
  • Preferred Types of Play
  • And others

Who regulates commercial playground equipment in Canada?

Answer - Playground equipment should be manufactured and certified to the Canadian Standards Association (CSA-Z614 most current addition). All play structures and equipment manufactured to the CSA standards can be found on the International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association (IPEMA) site. All equipment distributed by Green Roots Play Equipment Inc. is listed on the IPEMA website.

Are there grants available for playground equipment?

Answer - Yes, there are many playground grants available for playground equipment so please contact us for a list of grants that we have compiled to assist you in your playground project.

Who is Henderson Recreation

Answer - Henderson Recreation Equipment is a Canadian manufacturer with over 50 years of experience.

How long will Henderson playground equipment last?

Answer - Henderson playground equipment is designed to last for decades with proper care and maintenance.

What is natural playground equipment?

Answer - When people refer to natural playground equipment, they are sometimes looking for natural wooden products. This type of product is often not CSA certified and can rot or wear down more easily in British Columbia's climate. Other times they are looking for products that have a natural look to coordinate with the area surrounding the playground/park. Green Roots Play Equipment chooses to offer natural coloured and themed playground equipment that is durable, CSA certified and comes with a leading-edge warranty.

Contact Green Roots Play Equipment

Please call us at 1-855-382-7529 if you didn’t find the answer you were looking for in our playground equipment FAQs, or if you would like more information about our company or any of the playground equipment services we offer.

We look forward to hearing from you.



Got Questions? We've Got Answers!
